Dedicated to Guiding Students in Realizing Their Potential

About our Founder, Dan Krhin

Graduate of the University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh. Sociology, Psychology and Education

Master’s degree in Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Over 30 years of experience in higher education in Student Support Services, focusing on retention and assisting first generation and low income students succeed and graduate from college.

Presented to numerous Upward Bound and pre-college groups about the importance and value of a college degree.

Created a unique financial literacy program.

Directed and facilitated a McNair Scholars program for 10 years resulting in the entry of 110 students in to graduate school Masters’ and PhD programs at some of the most prestigious graduate schools in the United States including: Duke, UW-Madison, Texas A&M, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, UCLA, Arizona State, Syracuse, Washington State, Indiana University, Iowa ,Purdue, The University of Arizona, Notre Dame and many more high profile institutions.


More From Students

- 2nd Year Ph.D. Student

“I remember very distinctly the day that my journey with the McNair Scholars Program began. It was a day that would introduce to me to Daniel Krhin, who ultimately changed the course of my entire life.

As a first-generation college student, the thought of applying to a graduate program was daunting to say the least. I did not know where to begin, who I could reach out to for resources, or what the experience of entering a graduate program would feel like. Those insecurities, however, were diminished after Dan explained just how he and the McNair Scholars program could make what seemed almost unimaginable a very real possibility. From that day forward, it did not matter what stood in my way—I was going to make my dreams a reality. Dan embodies everything it is to be a truly great mentor. Despite how I, his mentee, may have felt at times, he never allowed himself to lose sight of my ambition. When I accepted my place in the McNair Scholars program, I trusted him to guide me to the realization of my dream, and he took that trust extremely seriously, even when it must have been very hard. It is choosing to do the right thing precisely when it is difficult that demonstrates a person’s true nature, and it is for that reason that I believe Daniel Krhin is a true and great mentor.”

- 5th Year Ph.D. Student

“I was accepted into the McNair Scholars program in the spring of my sophomore year. At that point, I knew next to nothing about what getting into graduate school would entail, much less how to move through the system in a way that would make my chances of acceptance more likely. Dan was a constant figure throughout the process, and acted as a secondary mentor in addition to advisors. While I received advice on how to conduct research, construct a well-written theory paper, and the like from my academic advisors, it was really Dan that “taught” me about how to apply (and get in) to a great graduate program. I relied on Dan to read and provide feedback on all of my personal essays, and also for resources on how to interview well. I believe that the “crowning jewel” of my graduate school applications was my attendance at a competitive summer research program at a major university on the east coast. Dan was instrumental in guiding me through that application process as well.

I was accepted to three of those programs and chose to enter a PhD program in School Psychology. I am currently in my fifth year will graduate at the end of my sixth year.”

- 1st Year PhD

“I had the privilege to be accepted as a McNair scholar, and under Dan’s direct support, I went from believing graduate education was not possible for myself to knowing that it is indeed obtainable. It was with McNair’s support that I became a well educated and prepared student, and accepted into my doctoral study. As a first generation student, I did not know if graduate education was possible. I did not know where to begin when applying to graduate school nor did I know the process. Luckily, Dan showed me the steps for applying to graduate school, helped prepare me for the GRE, and gave me feedback on personal statements, outreach emails, curriculum vitae, and other application materials. There were numerous times where I would email or call Dan at late hours of the night with questions or concerns. Though it was late, he gave me full attention and provided beyond beneficial advice. I will receive my doctoral degree in Experimental Psychology. Dan has greatly impacted my life, and I owe much of my success to his guidance and support.”

- Doctoral Degree Candidate

“As the daughter of refugees and the first of my six siblings to go to college, I was determined to succeed. I learned early on that determination alone was not enough. I needed mentorship and guidance as I made decisions regarding my education and my future as a researcher, and public health practitioner. The support and guidance I needed came from the McNair program, specifically, from Daniel Krhin who helped me apply to and make decisions about the graduate school not once, but twice!

I firmly believe that I was accepted into one of the top public health programs in the country because I was mentored by Dan. I graduated with a Masters of Public health, took three years off to work and decided to go back for my Doctorate.

Once again, I reached out to Dan who continued to mentor me long after my graduation from undergrad and my master’s program. He reviewed my statements, made suggestions, discussed school options that ultimately helped me choose my current program. I am truly thankful for the support and the opportunity to have worked with Daniel Krhin.”